Job Openings

Arkansas Juvenile Officers Association

Juvenile Officer - Greene County - Posted 7-16.24

Intention: To provide a place where Juvenile Officers, or future Juvenile Officers, can browse job openings in the State of Arkansas or elsewhere. These jobs may be with juvenile offices, services providers, or in other areas that work with youth or fields where their qualifications would make them eligible to apply. It is FREE to post a job advertisement. It is at the discretion of the webmaster to deny posting a submission.
1. Email submissions to: - please allow up to 72 hours before ad appears on this site.

2. Must provide EXPIRATION date for termination of ad.

3. Must be emailed in Word or PDF format if you want it linked to a document outlining job details, qualifications, etc.
4. Must be a job relevant to juvenile officers (ie. must be a job they would qualify for.)
5. Sender is responsible for making sure links work properly.

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